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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 12, 1792

Remarks Friday October 12th 1792 H.M.S. Providence

 1 pm: Light Breezes and fair Weather

 2 pm: People employed upon occasional Duty

 4 pm: A fresh Breeze sprung up and a Swell from the SW – Extremes of Savu S25°E 6 or 7 Leagues to S40°E 4 or 5 Leagues Benjoar S29°E to S6°E off shore about 3 Leagues At Sunset (6 hour) Savu EbS½Squall 8 or 9 Leagues Benjoar S50°E to S62°E 6 Leagues – In Studding sails & 2nd reefs, and hauled the Wind to the Southward to clear New Island – At 8 Moderate Breezes and fine Weather a considerable Dew falling – Gunners employed in the Magazine

12 mid: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

 4 am: Light Breezes

 5 am: At Day break – Out reefs and made all Sail – Swell from the SW

 7 am: The Ships Company put to an Allowance of Water as before our Arrival at Timor

 8 am: Light Breezes and fine Weather

 9 am: Fires in the Cockpit Stoves

10 am: Saw a Branch of a Tree some Sea weed, a Booby and some fish

11 am: George Thompson punished with 12 Lashes and set at Liberty – The Articles of War read previous to his Punishment – Fresh Beef served

12 noon: At Noon Light Breezes and fine Weather
The Assistant in Company ahead

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