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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 29, 1792

Remarks Wednesday August 29th Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather rather hazey – Roused up the small Bower Cable, cleared the Tier and payed it down again

 4 pm: Saw several Birds and Fish – Passed by some Peices of Wood lately broken

 6 pm: Before Dark – Spoke the Assistant per Signal – In 2nd reefs

 8 pm: Ditto Weather

 9 pm: Fine clear Weather with some Dew falling

10 pm: Several Noddies flying about the Ship.

12 mid: Fine Weather Flying clouds

 4 am: Light Airs and cloudy

 5 am: At Day break – Out reefs and made all Sail

 8 am: Fair Weather Got the Cutter over the Larboard side

10 am: Carpenters and People employed upon necessary Duty

12 noon: Light Breeze & fair Weather a very hazey Horizon
The Assistant in Company ahead

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