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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 20, 1792

Remarks Monday August 20th Providence Amongst the New Hebrides In the great South Sea

[Bearings: indicates what follows is from a separate Bearings column.]

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and hazey but pleasant Weather
Bearings: At 1 OClock saw Land from the Mast head bearing W½S

 3 pm: At ¾ past 3 In Studding sails and hauled to the Wind

 4 pm: Bearings: At 4 Observations for the Apparent Time taken – Island D EbS½Squall 7 Leagues Island E S69W to S80W 4 or 5 Leagues Island F S84½ to 88½W 6 or 7 Leagues Island G N78 to 77°W 7 or 8 Leagues

 5 pm: Before Dark – In Top Gallant sails and 2nd Reefs Spoke the Assistant who had sprung her Main Top Mast Trustle Trees

 6 pm: Bearings: At ¼ past 6 NE Part of E on with Center of F at N64°W West Point of E N72°W off shore 4 Leagues Island G NW¾W 7 Leagues

 9 pm: Cloudy Weather

12 mid: Wore Ship per Signal

 4 am: Made the Assistants Signal to tack & Wore and stood after her

 6 am: At 6 Bore away – Out 2nd reefs and set top gallant sails – No Appearance of Land

 8 am: Strong Breezes and thick cloudy Weather Saw Numbers of flying Fish

 9 am: ½ past 9 the Assistant struck her Main top gallant mast – Shortened sail – Boats Crews exercised at small Arms Sailmakers and People employed occasionally Bent the new Fore Top Gallant sail

12 noon: Strong Breezes and fair Weather – Assistant in Company with her Main Top mast up – set studding sails

D WSW at 10 AM Distant about 2 Leagues

We saw no reef round this Island, so that I make to Doubt but the Bay is accessible to ships, but unless there is some shelter within from the NE wind (which it is entirely open to), more than we saw it will not be thought a desirable Port – We saw a great Body of Natives at the Bottom of the Bay, and several Smokes in Different Parts of the Island which is covered with wood amongst which we could distinguish plenty of Cocoa nut trees. there is very little low land, the Mountains descending almost to the Waters Edge. the Latitude of the Bay is [blank] and Longitude [blank]

E S69°W to S80°W At 5 PM August 20th 4 or 5 Leagues distant

At the same Time F S84°W to S88°W Distant 6 or 7 Leagues – at which Time Island C bore N78½°W 7 or 8 Leagues distant

These Islands we can say but little of, they are of no great Extent and we saw no Appearance of Inhabitants upon them – E will be in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East F in Latitude [blank] Longitude [blank] East and G in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich by the Time Keepers

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