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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 19, 1792

Remarks Sunday August 19th Providence Amongst the new Hebrides – In the great South Sea

[Bearings: indicates what follows is from a separate Bearings column.]

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & Cloudy ½ past 2 Answered the Assistants Signal for seeing Land – In Studding sails and Hauled up for the Land in SW At Sunset – In 1st Reefs – spoke the Assistant and Tacked Ship to the Northward

 4 pm: Bearings: At 4 PM Island A S24°W 6 Leagues B S40° to 42½W 6 or 7 Leagues

 5 pm: Bearings: At 50′ past 5 (Sunset) Island A S16°W 5 Leagues B S36°W 3 Leagues C a large Island and partly on with B S46°W 6 Leagues Island D S76°W 9 Leagues North rocks NWbW 4 Leagues

 8 pm: Cloudy Weather the Assistant ahead carrying a Light

12 mid: Wore Ship per Signal – At 2 Squally in 2nd reefs

 4 am: Dark cloudy Weather

 5 am: At Daybreak Saw the Land – Out reefs

 7 am: At 7 Bore away for the Land
Bearings: At 7 Island A S14°W 4 or 5 Leagues Extremes of B S28W to 45W 3 Leagues North rocks N41°W 5 Leagues

 8 am: Hazey
Bearings: At ¼ past 8. Island B SE½S to S6°W off shore 2 Leagues North Point of B & South of C on at S6°W – [?] Two Keys S55°W and S60°W 6′ D S77°W to West 4 Leagues N. Rocks N13°W 5 Leagues

 9 am: Saw a large Devil Fish and Numbers of flying Fish – Smoke and Inhabitants on D

10 am: Bearings: At 10 High Land of B EbS½Squall to SE¼E – Island A S43°E 1st Key S28°E 4′ – 2nd on with North Point of C S25°E – High Land of C several Mountains in a Line S14°E – West Point of C S10°W Island D S55W to 76°W North Rocks N17°E 4 Leagues

12 noon: At Noon Fresh Breezes and pleasant Weather the Assistant in Company ahead
Bearings: At Noon Island D S65°E to S27°E 6 or 7 Miles – High Land of B S68°E
Island D shaped like a half [figure of a crescent moon] – the two Points of the Bay came on at S20°E – the South shore within the Bay runs SW – Line of the SE shore without forming two Points S18°E – the North shore rounds off gradually the South Point of D and NW Point of C came on at S15°W – North rocks in a Line with the Bay at N32°E and S32°W

The Island A is very small, little better I believe than a rock, it is the same Captain Bligh calls the Sugar Loaf in which Form it would appear if we had made it to the Northward of us it will be in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] according to the Time Keepers

Island B is well covered with Wood and Verdure and about [blank] Miles in Circumference. I do not know that any Marks of Inhabitants were seen but we thought we saw Cocoa nut trees. at the Summit of the Mountains which are very high – its North Point will be in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich by the Time Keepers

Island C is by far the largest of all these Islands. its Coast from NW to SE is near [blank] Miles long. we saw no Signs of Inhabitants upon it, but on the Northermost Key which we suspected was joined to the Island by a reef, we saw a Canoe with a Triangular Sail like those of Blighs Islands with several Indians in her – the NW Point of this Island is in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East the SW Point in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East the Keys are low, woody and about ½ Mile asunder [apart] – they will be in Latitude [blank] and Longitude [blank] East by the Time Keepers

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