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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 1-4, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Sunday July 1st 1792 Fresh Breezes and fair Weather People washing and mending their Cloaths – Carpenters finished painting the Ship AM At Day break a Party sent ot haul the Seine, but returned without Success and the Cutter to Oparre to purchase Provisions – The People mustered in Divisions and Divine Service performed and afterwards a Party sent upon Leave

Monday 2nd refreshing breezes and continued fine Weather The Cutter returned with a Supply of Pigs and Plantains AM Employed on shore cutting broom wood, repairing the whale boat and Launches Sails, on board in the Main-hold and occasional Duty – Tobacco served to the Ships Company – the Cutter sounding in the Bay – Fresh Provisions as usual

Tuesday 3rd Fine Weather in the Afternoon but dark and cloudy in the Morning. Employed upon occasional Duty AM Hoisting up and starting Water out of the Fore hold. Launch employed watering – Cooper examining and repairing Casks – A tolerable Supply of Provisions received to day

Wednesday 4th Mostly light Airs and fine Weather Launch employed watering as before – AM Employed stowing away the Water casks brought on board by the Launch and Hoisting up the old water and empty Casks to be filled – Carpenters on shore sawing Plank and employed as before – Fresh Pork and Fruit served to the Ships Company in plenty and a tolerable Supply received

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