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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jun 26-30, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

Tuesday June 26th 1792 Fresh Breezes and Cloudy generally The Cutter returned from Attahowroo with the Whale boat which was obtained with little Trouble – AM. Employed on board and part of the People on shore with their Chests destroying the Cock roaches – the whale boat sent on shore and hauled up to repair – Received a moderate Supply to day

Wednesday 27th Moderate Breezes and Cloudy Weather Fresh Gales in the Offing – AM Employed on board and on shore killing Cock roaches as before and making Netting for the After skylights Sailmakers at the Tent repairing the Launches sails

Thursday 28th Moderate Breezes and fair Weather a heavy Dew falling in the Night – Washing as before with boiling Water Fore and Aft to destroy the Cock-roaches Carpenters employed painting the Ship and other necessary Duty – People in the After hold and making Matts – Fresh Provisions served as before

Friday 29th Fine pleasant Weather The Cutter sent to Oparre to trade for Provisions and returned some Bread fruit and yams the former of which is returning in Season. Employed in the Main and After Holds and on shore cutting broom wood – A moderate Supply of Fruit

Saturday 30th Fine Weather Carpenters on shore sawing Plank and repairing the Whale boat as before AM. People on board employed in the Main and After Holds preparing to water the Ship, and other occasional Duty – Sailmakers employed upon the Launches sails – Fresh Provisions served and a small Supply received

The Oteheitean regal Name is Otoo as Pharoah was of the ancient Kings of Egypt. he comes to his Title and Authority immedeately he is borne. he is carried upon Mens Shoulders, attended by a Number of his Tow-tows with their Shoulders bare, even his Father or Mother are not exempt from this Ceremony, amongst the present Princes Attendants is one of those Men, entirely distinct from the rest of his Nation, his Colour is a dead white, his Hair short and curled, and of the same Colour, he is much freckled from being exposed to the Sun which hurts his Eyes very much. he mostly keeps them half shut and I understand can see but indistinctly, at Ohidea is an old Man of the same kind, but his Hair is very long, possibly he may be the same Captain Cook mentions – but to return to the royal Family, the oldest member of which is Otou, the grandfather of the present Otoo, his Wife Opereroa an old fat woman is Chief of O'raietea by which Connection possibly that Island came more immediately under the Oteheitean juridiction – their Children are Tinate or Boumarree who is at present really King of the Island, Orepea or Oppobo as he sometimes calls himself, one of the Chiefs of Oparre Wydeea the Chief of Happeano & Apahoo chief of Tettahah – the eldest Son of Tinah is Otoo which Name and Dignity he assumes at his Birth, his next Son is Aree'rahi at Tearrabou and entirely independant of his Father – there sre some more of his children but as yet I do not hear of any remarkable dignity they possess – I suppose Otoo is the lousiest of a lousy People upon the Island, he picks them out to eat according to the Custom of his Country, and if they are not large enough he returns them that they may be fit for his eating afterwards this Custom I suppose is upon the Principles of retaliation

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