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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jun 22-25, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

Friday June 22nd 1792 Fresh Breezes and fair Weather the whole 24 Hours – blows fresh from the Eastward in the Offing AM the Wooders on shore Carpenters and people employed as before – A daring robbery was committed last Night at the Tent – A large Bag of dirty Linnen of considerable Value, belonging to the 2nd Lieutenant was taken from beside his Bed – notwithstanding there being four Sentries placed about the Tent. several other petty Thefts have been before committed, but none of so much Consequence as this – the Oteheiteans are certainly as dextrous Thieves as the most dextrous in any Country – Fresh Provisions served as before

Saturday 23rd Moderate Breezes and fine Weather People occasionally employed AM. At Daybreak sent the Wooders on shore and the Gunner in the Launch with the Powder to dry by One tree Hill – Washed and cleaned the Ship Fore and Aft – People employed upon necessary Duty

Sunday 24th Fresh Land breezes and fine Weather Received several Sails from the Tent which had been repaired and got the Powder off. People employed occasionally – AM. A Party sent to haul the Seine, who returned with 90 pounds of Fish – the People mustered and had Divine Service performed to them – A Party upon Leave on shore

Monday 25th Fresh Breezes and Cloudy unpleasant Weather with rain at Intervals Got off the large Cutter which had been repaired on shore – AM the Cutter sent manned and armed to Attahowroo to recover a Whale boat of the Matilda's – Part of the People Chests sent on shore to be cleared of Cock-roaches, which are become very numerous and very troublesome. Employed upon occasional Duty

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