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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jun 17-21, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Sunday June 17th 1792 Light Breezes and fine Weather the whole Day – People washing and mending their Clothes – Carpenters cutting Scuttles in the Cabbin Ports – AM. The Launch sent to haul the Seine at Day break, but returned unsuccessful   Ships Company mustered in Divisions and Divine Service performed as usual on Sunday – A Party on shore upon Leave as usual

Monday 18th Moderate Breezes and fine Weather all this 24 Hours – AM. The Party sent on shore to cut wood and the Launch for Water at Daybreak – People scraping the Sides – and Carpenters painting the Stern – Few Provisions received but sufficient for the Ships Company

Tuesday 19th Fine Weather People employed upon occasional Duty – AM. the Wooders on shore at Day break the Sailmaker making coverings for the Green houses upon the Quarter Deck. The Armourers Forge still up – Fresh Provisions served as before

Wednesday 20th Fine Weather AM. the Carpenters cutting Scuttles in the Cabbin Ports and painting the Ship – Boats employed sounding the Bay – Aired the Cartridges and some other Gunners Stores – Fresh Provisions served

Thursday 21st Moderate Breezes and fair Weather A strong Easterly Breeze in the Offing – Boats sounding as before – AM Wood-cutters on shore – Carpenters painting the Ship and People making Matts and otherwise working up Junk – Gunners drying and repairing the Cartridges – Received a tolerable Supply of Pigs and Fruit Sailmakers making Covers for the Green houses – Fresh Pork – Cocoa nutts Plantains &c served in plenty to the Ships Company

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