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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jun 13-16, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

Wednesday June 13th 1792 Rainy Weather and Cloudy afterwards – Fresh Breezes which bring a considerable Swell into the Bay a good deal of Surf upon the Beach – The Jolly-boat returned with a few Pigs & Plantains – at 6 Struck Top Gallant Masts – AM. The Wood-cutters on shore at Day break – ratling down the Rigging – Swayed up Top Gallant Masts. Received a moderate Supply

Thursday 14th Cloudy greatest Part of the Day – Sailmakers repairing Sails at the Tent as before – AM. The wood cutters on shore at Day break as usual – Carpenters breaming the Ship and the People employed about the Rigging

Friday 15th Fine Weather latterly a light Breeze from the Westward which makes some Surf upon the Beach – the People making a Nett of Spun-yarn to cover the long sky light of the Green house – Carpenters painting the Head and Quarters of the Ship AM the Wooders on shore at Day break – employed upon occasional Duty

Saturday 16th Light Airs and fine Weather Employed as before – AM. Carpenters painting as before – The Boats sounding and placing Flags upon the Dolphin Bank as Marks to survey by – The Armourer at his Forge – A plentifull Supply of Pigs and Fruit received and served to the Ships Company as before

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