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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jun 9-12, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Saturday June 9th 1792 the Weather generally cloudy – AM At Day break the Wood cutters on shore as yesterday – Carpenters lining the Ports – and on shore at work upon the Cutter. Sailmakers continue at the Tent repairing the Sails – and the Armourer on board at his Forge – The Seamen employed upon occasional Duty – Fresh Provisions served as before and a small Supply received

Sunday 10th The Weather as before Light Airs and Calms Morning and Evening and a pleasant refreshing Breeze the rest of the Day – Cast off the rattlings of the Lower and Topmast rigging – People washing and mending in the Evening AM. A Party sent with the Seine but few Fish caught – Washed and cleaned below fore and aft. People mustered in Divisions and Divine Service performed afterwards A Party on shore upon Leave

Monday 11th the usual fine Weather AM. the Wooders on shore at Day break – the People employed ratling down the Rigging – Few Provisions received

Tuesday 12th People employed as before at 10 OClock Heard the report of a Muskett at the Tent, which proved to have been fired at an Indian who was skulking within the Lines with an Intention to rob the Tent, his Blood was traced next Morning a considerable Distance in the Grass and a few Days after we heard he died being mortally wounded in the Side – AM – Wood-cutters on shore Carpenters breaming the Ship and making other Preparations to paint her – The Jolly-boat sent to Oparre to purchase Provisions

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