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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jun 6-8, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

Wednesday June 6th Light Breezes & clear Weather The People employed upon occasional Duty – A fine clear Night – AM. at 4 – A Lieutenant, Masters Mate and Boats Crew sent in the Assistants Launch with the Gunner to Tettahah to trade for Provisions – the People armed and an Indian Chief with them in the Boat to protect them – The Carpenters repairing the Cutter – People working up Junk – A Plentifull Supply received this Morning Taro and Plantains served as usual with the Pork

Thursday 7th Principally Moderate Breezes – A Party sent to haul the Seine, but returned with very few Fish. the Assistants Launch returned from Tettahah with a good Supply, mostly Plantains – AM A Party at Day break again sent with the Seine but caught about 20 Pounds of Fish – The Carpenters on board fixing a railing round the After Sky lights and Sailmakers at the Tent repairing the Sails – Few Provisions brought to the Ship

Friday 8th Fine Weather the whole 24 Hours. People employed upon occasional Duty – AM At Daybreak A Party sent on shore under the Conduct of a Masters Mate to cut Wood by Permission of Tinah (who at present governs for his Son) the particular Trees being marked by himself which were always Eva or Apple Trees as being the largest – Plenty of Cocoa Nutts brought this Morning

[A tear on the top right side of this page.]

I thought the Custom they have of each selecting a Tayo of Friend rather singular tho I had before some Idea of it, immed[...]
arrived the Ship was full of Indians, pressing us to be T[ayo...]
them, if you consented he went to his Canoe and brough[t...]
two Peices of Cloth, the one a square coarse peice gen[...]
with a Hole cut in the Middle to put the Head in, he put over your Shoulders, the other a long white piece and much finer than the other he rapped round you perhaps ten or twelve yards long according to the Quality of your Tayo this he accompanies with a Hog perhaps two and a Quantity of Bread-fruit and Cocoa-nutts – the next Day you will have him again but with his Present not quite so large. the first Day he will receive nothing from you, but the second or third if you press him he will receive you Present in return which will mostly consist of a Shirt, a Hatchet, looking Glass and a few other Trifles all which he will be much delighted with afterwards you will find him not so scrupulous, his Presents will come about once in three or four Days and he will take the Liberty to ask for what he wants which will often by every thing he sees, and if he knows you have given any thing to any body else he will not fail to reproach you for it, for they look upon a Man as perjured if he has two Tayos you must take Care your Presents are not too large at first, for if they much exceed his or he thinks he has got greatest part of your Trade you may trust to not seeing him again – We found that those who had Chiefs for their Tayos got less of what they wished than those who had what they call ratterans or Manahounies which are the People of the middling rank from those tho', you will not be able to get a [Paarha?] which the Chiefs only are in Possession of

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