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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jun 2-5, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

[There is a tear on the right of the first entry.]

Moderate Breezes and fair Weather Saturday June 2nd
The Jolly boat sent to Oparre wit the Gunner to trade for Provisions and returned with four Hogs and [...]
People blacking and tarring as before. AM [...]
Jolly-boat sent on shore for Water – The [...]
Sails and a Spar for a mast for her sent on [...]
the Cutter with the Carpenter – Washed & cleaned below fore and aft and Aired with Fires in the Cockpits – Cleard Hawse – Fresh Provisions served and a tolerable Supply of Hogs and Fruit received this Morning – Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

Sunday [3rd] Fresh Breezes & fair Weather People employed washing and mending their Cloaths – Tobacco served to the Ships Company as usual the first of every Month – AM Received water per jolly-boat – Swayed up Top Gallant Masts – Ships Company mustered in Divisions – Divine Service performed by the Captain – Fresh Provisions served as before, but a very moderate Supply received

Monday June 4th 1792 Fresh Breezes and fine Weather A Party on shore upon Leave – AM. Up Top Gallant yards at 8 Dressed Ship with Colours being His Majesty's Birthday. The People all clean – Grog served to them Fresh Provisions served to the Ships Company and a tolerable Supply received

Tuesday 5th Light Breezes & fine Weather At 1 Fired a royal Salute in Honour of H. M. Birthday – In the Evening the Captain went on shore and two Balloons were sent up and some Fireworks let off at the Tent amidst a great Concourse of Indians – AM A Party sent ot haul the Seine who returned with about 150 pounds of Fish, An Albecore, several Cavallies and some small Fry – Received the Main-sail from the Tent and sent them the Jibb and Fore topmast staysail to repair At 10 AM Launched and brought on board the Launch – Hauled the Cutter up to repair – The Armourer at Work at his Forge – The Carpenters on board making a railing for the the long sky light over the great cabbin or Green house – Fish served to part of the Ships Company and Pork to the rest – A plentifull Supply of Pigs received this Morning

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