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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 30-Jun 1, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Wednesday May 30th 1792 Light Breezes and fine Weather Swayed up and rigged the Fore top gallant mast AM The Sailmakers on shore at Daybreak as usual – The Carpenters on shore at work upon the Launch, on board, making an arm chest for the Boats – repaired the Service on the Small bower Cable – Cleaned below – Set up the Fore cock pit Stove and aired with it – People employed about the Rigging – Fresh Provisions served but a very moderate Supply received mostly Fruit

Thursday 31st Light Breezes and fair Weather Struck the Main topamst, new bolted the cross trees and swayed it up again – Sent the Mainsail on shore AM Light Breezes – The People employed blacking and tarring – Unbent the Mizen topsail – The Jolly boat sent with Gunners to Oparre to purchase Provisions – Carpenters at work as on yesterday The Cock pits aired with Fires – A moderate Supply of Provisions received and served as before

Friday June 1st 1792 Moderate Breezes and fine Weather The Jolly-boat returned with a Quantity of Plantains and Taro – People blacking and tarring AM At Daybreak the Cutter sent with a Party to haul the Seine but caught few fish – The Carpenters on shore painting the Launch and on board sawing Plank for the Green house – Cleaned below and aired with Fires – Fresh Provisions served as before – A very scanty supply either of Pigs or Fruit – Part of the Carpenters returned from the Tent – Light Breezes & fine Weather

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