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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 27-29, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

[There is a tear on the right of the first entry.]

Sunday 27th Fresh Breezes People washing and mending their Cloaths AM Received Water by the Jolly boat Washed below Fore & Aft – The Ships Company mustered in Divisions seen clean and Divine Service performed to them by the Captain – The principal [...]
Morning consisted of Mahee – The Assista[nt saluted]
the Captain on his going on board her with [blank] Guns A Party of the People on shore upon Leave

Monday 28th Moderate Breezes with continued heavy Rain AM At Day break the Cutter sent with a Party to haul the Seine and the Jolly boat to Oparre with the Gunner to purchase Provisions – the Cutter returned with no Success – Received a few Cocoa nutts and some Mahee – The Armourer at his Forge – Light Airs

Tuesday 29th Moderate Breezes & fair Weather the Jolly boat returned from Oparre with some Plantains and Taro – The People employed scraping the quick-work and about the Rigging – At ½ past 9 Heavy Squalls off the Land – Overhauled a range of the Sheet cable and prepared to strike Lower yards and Topmasts when the wind abated – AM Moderate Breezes – Payed down the Sheet cable – Employed about the Rigging. Carpenters employed on board repairing the Hatches of the Orlop deck – Sent down the Fore top gallant Mast – Received the Main topsail from the Tent and sent the Foresail to repair The Armourer working at his Forge as before – Fresh Provisions served as before to the Ships Company but a very small Supply received

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