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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 25-26, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Friday May 25th 1792 Moderate Breeze and fair Weather Swayed up the Main topmast and set up the Rigging – Light Airs & Cloudy Weather At 11 Lowered down the Boats and sent them in Pursuit of an Indian who was seen under the Assistants stern AM Light Airs – at 4 Veered away and hove up the small Bower anchor and short on the best – at 9 Tripped the best Bower and warped the Ship farther to the Eastward by the Stream anchor about ½ past 10, Let go the small bower in ¼ less 10 Fathom – Light Airs – the Assistants boats assisting us – At Noon Fine Weather

Saturday 26th Cloudy with Rain – Veered away and moored Ship to the SEastward Best Bower in ¼ less 15 Fathoms a Cable each way. Shifted the Service on the best Bower AM. At Day break. A Party sent to haul the Seine and the Jolly-boat for Water. the fishing party returned with bad success – Sailmakers & Carpenters at work on shore as before – The Armourer employed getting his Forge set up
Our Bearings when moored were as follows –
End of the Reef N22½°W
Point Venus N23°E
The Heads of Tarra from S10° to 27°West
Fresh Provisions served as before to the Ships Company
Fresh Breezes & fair Weather

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