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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 23-24, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

[There is a tear at the right of the first entry.]

Wednesday 23rd May 1792 Rain at Times and very variable Weather Swayed up the Main yard. the [People emp-]
loyed upon occasional Duty – AM At [...]
The Jolly boat sent with the Gunner to [...]
purchase Provisions – and the Cutter wi[th ...]
to haul the Seine – Sent down the Main Top Gallant [...]
and struck the topmast to fix new Trestle trees the Carpenters employed fixing them and on shore upon the Launch – The Sailmakers working upon the Fore topsail at the Tent as before – the Seine party returned with about 40 pounds of Fish which was served to the Ships Company as far as it would go and Pork to the rest – Received a small Supply of Fruit

Thursday 24th Moderate Breezes & fair Weather The Jolly boat returned from Oparre with six Hogs – at 4 Light Airs & small rain at 8 Moderate & fair Weather AM The Jolly boat sent on shore for water at Daybreak and the Cutter with a Party to haul the Seine who returned at 9 with 150 pounds of Fish which were served to the Ships Company – the Fore topsail returned from the Tent repaired, sent the Main one on shore – Washed below fore and aft – The People employed upon occasional Duty – principally about the Rigging the Carpenters at work upon the Launch as before –
Ships Draught of Water Fore 15 Feet 08″ Aft 14  8 Providence
A moderate Supply of Bread-fruit & Cocoa-nutts

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