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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 20-22, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

[undated] Moderate Breezes & fair Weather blows very strong in the Offing from the Eastward – People washing and mending their Cloaths – The Indian punished with 36 Lashses upon the Buttocks in the presence of several of their Chiefs and People and returned into Confinement AM At Day break the Cutter sent on shore for Water – Cleaned below The Ships Company mustered in Divisions, seen clean and Divine Service performed by the Captain – A very moderate Supply of Provisions – Fresh Breeze

Monday 21st May 1792 Fresh Breezes and fair Weather A Party on shore upon Leave as usual. A strong Breeze in the Offing from the Eastward AM Strong Breezes – Struck the Fore Yard, overhauled and repaired the Geer [gear]. The Sailmakers sent on shore to the Tent with the Fore topsail to repair – Received empty Casks from the Tent – Carpenters employed as before – The Indian set at Liberty at the Intercession of Tina[h] – Received a moderate Supply of Bread-fruit but no Pigs – Fresh Provisions served as before

Tuesday 22nd Moderate Breezes at 4 Light Airs and Calms at 7 Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Swayed up the Fore yard – AM. the Sailmakers at the Tent – cleaned below – Received Water by the Jolly boat – Struck the Main yard. employed overhauling and repairing the Geer [gear] – A strong Breeze in the Offing the whole of this 24 Hours
Received a tolerable Supply of fruit but no Hogs indeed it is very seldom any are brought unless by the Chiefs for their Tayos

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