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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 18-19, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

[There is a tear on the right of the first entry.]

Friday 18th May 1792 Light Airs Calms & Cloudy Weather Unbent the Jib – The People employed about the [Rigging...]
At 4 Fresh Breezes and fair Weather AM Dark [...]
Hove in on the Small Bower Cable and put on [...]
veered it out again – The Cutter sent to Op[arre...]
the Gunner to purchase Pigs – Carpenters [...]
Work upon the Launch – A tolerable supply of [...]
At Noon Moderate Breezes and Cloudy Weather

Saturday 19th Light Airs & Cloudy Weather – at 2 Squally with Rain – Sent empty Casks on shore in the Jolly boat at 8 Light Airs and Cloudy An Indian brought on board and confined for throwing Stones at and attempting to rob the People in the Cutter on Thursday Morning – AM Calm and Rainy with some Flashes of Lightning – at 1 OClock, Fired two Musqets at and sent the Jolly boat and Cutter after an Indian who had swum alongside the Ship and attempted to take a Sheet of the 1st Lieutenant'squall Bed thro' the Port, at two the Boats returned, unsuccessfull – At 4 constant Rain with distant claps of thunder – Sent a Party in the Cutter to haul the Seine at 8 they returned with about 290 pounds of Fish, principally Cavallies which weighed from 5 to 11 Pounds each. Every Man received two Pounds of them and the Remainder was sent on board the Assistant – Vinegar served to the Ships Company – The People employed upon occasionaly Duty – the Carpenters as before – Received a plentifull Supply of Hogs this 24 Hours, but principally what the Gunner purchased at Oparre
At Noon – Light Breezes and fine Weather

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