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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 14-17, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Monday May 14th 1792 Moderate Breezes and fine Weather – A Party on shore upon Liberty till Sunsett At 8 Cloudy Weather AM Light Breezes and clear Weather Received a Load of Water by the Cutter – Cleaned below – Unbent the Fore topsail – People employed about the Tigging – Carpenters building the greenhouse and bout the Launch A tolerable Supply of Fruit of every kind to day and a few Hogs purchased – At Noon – Fine clear Weather < class="bb"> Tuesday 15th Calm. – The People employed mostly about the Rigging – AM Employed as yesterday and in the Fore Hold getting up Planks for the Carpenters – Received a moderate Supply of Fruit but few Hogs – Fair Weather

Wednesday 16th Moderate Breezes & fair Weather Employed upon occasional Duty AM. At 4 The Cutter sent on shore to haul the Seine on the South Beach abreast of the Ship. at 8 she returned with about 70 Pounds of Fish, several fine Cavallies, some Mullet and a Quantity of small Fry – Carpenters at Work as before – Cooper making breakers and the People about the Rigging and in the Main Hold – Fresh Pork served as before
At Noon Light Airs and fair Weather

Thursday 17th Light Airs and rainy Weather Employed as before getting Plank out of the Main Hold – AM. The Cutter sent on shore at Daybreak for Water – People employed about the Rigging Carpenters about the Greenhouse and Launch – Planks sent on shore by the Jolly boat – Roused up the small bower Cable stowed some Planks in the Tier and payed the Cable down upon it – Washed and cleaned below Fore and Aft – Received a pletifull Supply of Bread fruit but very few Pigs – Fresh Pork &c Served as before to the Ships Company
At Noon Moderate Breeze & Cloudy Weather

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