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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 11-13, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

[There is a tear on the right of the first entry.]

Friday May 11th 1792 Cloudy Weather employed about the Rigging and occasionaly Duty – At 4 Dark [...]
with Rain – A Fine cloudy Night – AM [...]
Part of the Carpenters employed on shore upon [...]
The rest on board building the Green house [...]
employed principally about the Rigging [...]
making Breakers for the Boats – Fresh Pork &c served as yesterday – The Articles of War read previous to punishing James Combes (Drummer) who was brought on board a Prisoner from the Tent for Disobeying the 14th Article of the Rules to be observed here, for which he received 12 Lashes – At Noon Cloudy with a few Drops of Rain

[undated] Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather The People employed as before about the Rigging and occasional Duty – At 8 Squally Weather with Rain – AM. Cloudy – Received Water by the Cutter At 8 Light Airs and fair Weather – Washed below fore and aft – Loosed Sails to dry – People employed as before – At Noon Moderate Breeze and fine Weather

Sunday 13th Fresh Breeze & fair Weather The People washing and mending their Cloaths – Furled Sails – At 8 Moderate Breeze & Cloudy Weather AM. Squally with Rain at 8 Fair – Cleaned below – The Ships Company mustered in Divisions seen clean and Divine Service performed to them by the Captain – A very scanty Supply brought this Morning – Taro served with the fresh Provisions today
At Noon Moderate Breezes and fine Weather

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