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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 5-9, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

Thursday July 5th 1792 Fine Weather till about 9 AM, then dark cloudy Weather Launch watering AM. The Cutter sent to Oparre to purchase Provisions. the Jolly-boat sent on shore to be hauled up, breamed and tarred her Bottom Employed in the Holds stowing Water, A turn of Wood brought by the Launch likewise – Fresh Provisions served

Friday 6th Rainy at Times the whole Day – The Cutter returned with a Supply of Pigs and Fruit AM A Party sent to haul the Seine who returned with 550 pounds of Fish, all Cavallies and caught at one haul, the second they caught none. Employed on board in the Fore hold – Fish served to the Ships Company at 2 pounds per Man

Saturday 7th Unsettled squally Weather in the Evening heavy Squalls – Struck Top Gallant Masts and ranged the Sheet Cable. AM Employed on board in teh Fore Hold watering the Ship – Carpenters caulking the greenhouse Fresh Provisions served and a tolerable Supply received

Sunday 8th Cloudy Weather Employed as before in the Fore Hold AM Washed and cleaned below fore and aft. Ships Company mustered in Divisions and Divine Service performed – A Party on shore upon Leave as usual

Monday 9th Moderate Breezes and Cloudy Weather with a heavy Surf upon the Beach AM the Cutter sent to Oparre to purchase Provisions – The Armourer at Work at his Forge – Stowing Water in the Fore Hold as before – Received a plentiful Supply of Fruit and some Pigs – Fresh Provisions served

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