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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 1-4, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

Tuesday May 1st 1792 Moderate Breezes and fine Weather Furled Sails Received a Load of Water per Launch At 8 Light Airs and Clear Weather AM. The Carpenters employed building the greenhouse, the Cooper employed making Tubs for the Plants and repairing Plants. [That's what it says.] People about the Rigging and Salters at Work as before – Loosed Sails – The Supply of Hogs continues to be small but the Fruit is plentifull as before – Moderate Breezes & fine Weather

Wednesday 2nd Ditto Weather Roused up the Small Bower and Sheet Cables, cleaned the tiers and payed them down again – Handed Sails – Cleared Hawse. AM Moderate Breezes and Cloudy Weather employed in the Fore Hold – Received four Tons of Stones by the Launch. The Carpenters employed caulking the Sides and as yesterday – Sent empty Casks on shore by the Launch – Washed and cleaned the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit Decks thoro'ly – Fresh Pork and Fruit served to the Ships Company as usual – Fine clear Weather

[undated] Light Airs inclinable to Calm – Received a turn of Water per Launch. AM. Carpenters employed as before and People in the Holds – A plentifull Supply of Fruit this Morning – Light Breezes and fine Weather

Friday 4th Fine Weather the Launch on shore upon Duty – The People employed upon occasionaly Duty, principally about the Rigging – Cloudy Weather in the Evening – AM. Light Breezes & fair Weather The Awnings spread at Sunrise as usual, Pumped the Ship out as yesterday – The Carpenters employed caulking the Sides and building the green house as before – Fine Weather The Launch sent to the Boatanists at Oparre to transport Bread fruit plants from thence to the greenhouse at Venus point – Washed & Cleaned below – Fresh Pork &c served as before

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