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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Apr 28-30, 1792

[The top right corner of this page is torn away.]

In Matavai Bay – Otahei[te]

[undated] Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather Stowed the Spare Anchor the [Carpen-]
-ters stocked this Morning – Employed about the Rigg[ing]
and in the Holds at 8 Light Breezes – AM Fresh [Breezes]
at 4 Calm – at 8 Moderate Breezes & fine Weather Got up the Ches[ts and]
cleared away below and washed the Gun, Orlop and Coc[kpit]
Decks – Received a Load of Stones by the Launch – Car[penters]
employed caulking and about the Green house – The [People]
in the Holds and about necessary Duty – The Cooper making small Tubs in imitation of Garden Pots for Plants – A moderate Supply of Pigs and Fruit – Fine Weather

Sunday April 29th Moderate Breezes and fair Weather Received a Load of Water per Launch – Carpenters employed as yesterday The People washing and mending their Claoths when not employed by the really necessary Duty – At 8 Light Airs and clear Weather AM Moderate Breeze and fine Weather The Ships Company seen clean, mustered in Divisions and Divine Service performed to them by the Captain – Received a plentifull Supply of Fruit but few Hogs today – Fruit and fresh Pork served to the Ships Company as before – A Cask of Spruce Beer broaached and given instead of Wine to the Ships Company – Fine clear Weather

Monday 30th Moderate Breezes and fine Weather at 6 Cleared Hawse – A fine Clear Night – AM Calm – at 4 Moderate Breezes – The Carpenters employed as before – Loosed Sail to dry – The People employed about the Rigging – Received 3½ Tons of Stone Ballast by the Launch – Received a moderate Supply of Pigs and Fruit which are served to the Ships Company as before
At Noon Moderate Breezes and fair Weather

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