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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Apr 25-27, 1792

Remarks on board H. M. S. Providence

[undated] Moderate Breezes & fair Weather Employed stowing in the Main Hold. Received 2½ Tons of Stone ballast by the Launch. Struck the Stream Anchor into the Main Hold in the Place of the one got up yesterday Morning
AM Light Airs the Carpenters employed building a Place to receive Plants on the Larboard side the Quarter Deck and caulking the Ships side – Received 1½ Tons of Stone Ballast – Loosed Sails to dry – the People principally employed in the Holds – Pork and Fruit served out as before – At Noon A moderate Breeze & fair Weather

Thursday April 26th 1792 Cloudy Weather with light Showers of Rain – Received a Load of Water per Launch – At 4 Fair Weather Received 2&8531; Tons of Stone ballast. At 8 drizling Rain
AM Light Airs and fair Weather Employed in the Main and after Holds Cleared Hawse – Cleaned below The Carpenters at Work as on yesterday – Sent empty Casks on shore by the Launch – Fresh Pork and Fruit served as before. At Noon Fresh Breezes and fair Weather

Friday 27th Ditto Weather A moderate size Shark caught A heavy Swell breaking on the Reef and Dolphin Bank – The Ship tolerably well supplied with Fruit, but the Hogs fall off considerably, often not more than 2 or 3 brought in a Day – Fine Weather Employed in the Holds and about the Rigging – Sent on shore two empty Casks by the Launch and received a Load of Water by her Return – The Carpenters buildking the Greenhouse on the Quarter Deck, caulking the Sides and stocking an Anchor The Salters still kept at Work on the old Stock – Fresh Pork and Fruit served to the Ships Company as before – At Noon Moderate Breeze and Cloudy Weather

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