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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook May 5-7, 1792

In Matavai Bay – Otaheite

[There is a tear on the right side of the first entry.]

Saturday 5th April 1792 Moderate Breezes & fine Weather The Launch sent on shore to the Main stream of the River (a branch of which falls in at the Point) for [...]
The People employed in the fore hold and about [the Rig]
ging – AM – Light Airs and Clear Weather [The Carpen]
ters employed as before – A moderate Supply [...]
and Cocoa Nutts but great plenty of the other Fruits
‡ The Remark noted yesterday respecting the Plants ought to have been inserted in this Place

Sunday 6th Moderate Breezes & fine Weather The People washing and mending their Cloaths – Received a Turn of Water per Launch – Fine clear Night AM Light Breeze and cool Air, at 8 inclinable to Calm – Cleaned below – The People mustered in Divisions seen clean & Divine Service performed to them by the Captain – A plentifull Supply of Fruit this Morning Pork and Fruit served as before – Fine Weather at Noon

Monday 7th Moderate Breezes and fine Clear Weather A Party of Men on shore upon Liberty – to be on board by Sunsett – at which Time the Pinnace was hoisted in and Cutter hanging in the Slings as usual – AM. Calm till past 8 – The Launch sent on shore for Water – A tolerable Supply of Pigs and Cocoa Nutts and a great Quantity of Bread fruit – The Launch sent to assist in raising something which it was suspected had cut the Brigs Cable, but which proved to be an old Tree – The Carpenters building the Green house and the People employed principally about the Rigging – At Noon A pleasant Sea Breeze and fine Weather

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