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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 4, 1792

Remarks Sunday March 4th 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & Cloudy Weather with Haze and at times Showers of Rain

 3 pm: Sett Steering sails – A right Whale seen and a Cape Hen which alighted on the Mast-head – People washing & mending their Clothes – Some Rock-weed seen

 6 pm: Ship pumped clean as usual

 7 pm: Cloudy Weather with a Scotch-mist

 8 pm: Shortened Sail before Dark

10 pm: Thick rainy Weather

12 mid: Fresh Breezes & thick Weather

 1 am: Squally – In 2nd and 3rd Reefs of the Fore topsail

 3 am: Mostly thick cloudy Weather

 5 am: Strong Breezes & Cloudy – At Day break made more sail – Saw several Cape-Hens

 7 am: Another Reef out of the Fore topsail and otherwise made more sail

 9 am: Washed below and Aired with Stoves

10 am: Wort served as usual

11 am: People mustered in Divisions – Shortened Sail for the Assistant – Divine Service performed by the Captain

12 noon: Fresh Breezes & fair Weather
The Assistant in Company
Made Sail when she came up

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