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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 5, 1792

Remarks Monday 5th Towards Otaheite

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & fair Weather Rock weed passing about the Afternoon – Albatrosses – Sheerwaters and four Cape Hens flying about us – Sailmakers repairing the old Main topsail

 6 pm: Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather In all Steering sails and furled the Main sail

 8 pm: Gale increasing in 3rd Reefs

10 pm: Strong Gales and thick misty Weather Close reefed the Fore and Main & handed the Mizen topsail – Fore sail in the Brails

 1 am: A Fire kept all Night in the Galley to Air the Ship

 4 am: The Assistant considerably astern – and Gale increasing – Handed the Fore topsail and sent down Top Gallant yards

 8 am: Hard Gale and misty Weather Under close reefed Main topsail and Fore topmast Stay-sail – Ship rolling considerably

10 am: Bent the Storm staysail

11 am: Saw a number of Seals some small blue Petterels Carey Chickens and Albatrosses

12 noon: At Noon a hard Gale and thick misty Weather The Assistant in Company under close reefed Fore topsail and Foresail and us under close reefed Main topsail and Foresail in the Brails – Two or three small Seas shipped

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