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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 2, 1792

Remarks March 2nd 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather – Another Porpoise harpooned and got on board

 4 pm: Fine Pleasant Weather A great number of Albatrosses about the Ship both on the Water and the Wing – A few Sheerwaters and small blue Petterels

12 mid: Cloudy Weather – with slight Haze

 2 am: A Hand kept out at the Jibboom end to look out

 4 am: Hazey

 5 am: A Seal and some Rock weed seen

 7 am: Foggy Weather Shortened sail for the Assistant

 9 am: Some Whales, Rock weed and Birds seen – Served Wort – Sailmakers repairing the Main topsail – Carpenters about the Boats

12 noon: Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather
The Assistant in Company

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