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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 19, 1793

Remarks &c Wednesday 19th June 1793

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather Served Slops to the ship's company

 4 pm: Dark clouds passing, with thunder from the NNE

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 6 pm: Thick rainy weather at 6 – At 7 cloudy.

12 mid: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather

 2 am: Lightning from the Eastward

 5 am: A strange sail seen from the mast head bearing NWbN – At 7 made the signal and spoke the Assistant. Fired a Gun and brought to a Schooner under American Colours – Sent the Assistant to speak her. At 7 Hour.30 Minutes the Assistant bore down with the Schooner in company; and made the signal to speak us, hove to. At 8 Lieutenant Portlock came on board – Cleaned below – Exercised great Guns and small Arms. At 10 Hour saw land bearing from WbN½N to NbW½W.

12 noon: At Noon the vessels in company as before, with the schooner which we had made a prize of, having no Papers – Moderate breezes & cloudy & hazy.
   Latitude Observed 21°·38′ North
 At Noon, Westermost extreme of Land (near Cape Corientes) WbN½N –
 Eastermost extreme NbE½E distance off shore 3 Leagues

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