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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 26-28, 1793

Remarks &c moored in Port Royal

May 1793

Sunday 26th Fresh gales with heavy showers of rain these 24 hours. Arrived a sloop, prize to the Spitfire made the signal to the Penn. Read the Articles of War and punished Richard Upsdale with 12 lashes for Neglect of Duty. AM. Sailmakers at the Yard as usual. received fresh Beef. Cleaned below and aired with fires. Mustered in Divisions and performed Divine Service

Monday 27th. Fresh gales with variable winds, heavy rain, with loud claps of thunder and fierce lightning these 24 hours. Arrived 2 American Brigs, detained by the Mary Privateer, as prizes. At 1 AM a heavy squall from the westward. Overhauled a range of the Sheet Cable. All hands employed reeving Top Tackle falls, getting ready to strike Lower Yards and Top Masts, Bailing & securing the boats &c. All hands wet, served the ships company a glass of Rum each man. At day light sailed for the Bay of Honduras, H. M. Schooner Advice, Lieutenant Tyrrell, Commander. Sailmakers at the Yard. Received no fresh Beef to day. People employed clearing the Decks &c. Got up all wet clothes &c. to dry, and aired the ship with fires – Carpenters employed preparing the Green house to receive Plants – the ship getting ready for sea.

Tuesday 28th. First and latter parts fresh breezes and dark cloudy weather to the Southward – middle part light airs with heavy showers of rain. PM. arrived H. M. Ship Proserpine from a cruize. AM. Sailmakers employed at the Yard as usual. Sent the water Schooner for a turn. received fresh Beef; also 195 pots and 2 tubs of Plants from Kingston. Employed occasionally on board

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