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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 22-25, 1793

Remarks &c moored in Port Royal

May 1793

Wednesday 22nd. First and latter parts fresh r and hazy weather middle part light airs and fair – PM received on board 4 four pounders from the Ordnance Wharf at Kingston, with Carriages &c. received 175 gallons of Rum for ships use. AM received fresh Beef & sent the Launch for water. Carpenters and sailmakers at the Yard – Aired ship with fires

Thursday 23rd. First part fresh Breezes and fair weather middle part light airs – latter part fresh gales with drops of rain. P.M. Boatswain and Carpenter employed returning Stores to the Yard. received water per Launch. At day light sailed on a [wind?] H. M. Ship Penelope. Sent the Yard Schooner for water. No fresh Beef to day. People employed in the After Hold. Boatswain & Carpenter as before. Carpenters & Sailmakers at the Yard as usual. At 11 arrived a sloop prize to the Hyana. made the signal to the Penn

Friday 24th. First and latter parts fresh breezes with heavy showers of rain, middle part light airs, calms, and cloudy. received fresh Beef. Carpenters and Sailmakers at the Yard. received 4 men from the Hospital. Employed serving &Cable new Top Sail Sheets. Aired with fires; and made the signal for a Messenger. received a turn of water

Saturday 25th. Fresh breezes with heavy showers of rain these 24 hours. Employed stowing water away. Received on board Gunners stores, and 3½ tons of sand Ballast. AM Sailmakers & Carpenters at the Yard. received fresh Beef, and 2½ tons additional Ballast, per Launch, taken from Port Royal point. Aired with fires – People employed in the Spirit Room, and mending their Clothes. Armourer constantly at the Yard working &c.

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