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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 29-31, 1793

Remarks &c moored in Port Royal

May 1793

Wednesday 29th. First and latter parts moderate breezes and fine weather, middle part light airs and calms. PM. received on board 188 pots of Plants. At day light sent the Launch with that of the Assistant for Plants. received 187 pounds of fresh Beef. Sent a party to cut Broom stuff at Greenwich. Sailmakers employed at the Yard, Gunners making Wads &c Carpenters employed occasionally. Received 379 Plants of various species, in tubs and boxes

Thursday 30th. First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy weather middle part light airs and fair. At 1 PM. fired nineteen Guns, being the Anniversary of the Restoration of King Charles the 2nd. – Received 48 packages of Plants on board, the total to come into the ship from Kingston. Received a turn of water per Yard Schooner. AM. employed clearing for sea. received fresh Beef. Arrived H. M. Ships Europa & Fly, sloop of war.

Friday 31st. First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy, middle, moderate and fair weather. PM. received 107 bags of Bread, 908 gallons of Rum, and 88 pounds of fresh Beef. People employed [?] sails &c – AT 10 AM arrived the Schooner Resource, Tender to the Providence & Assistant. Sailed for the North side of the Island the Assistant, to collect the vessels for the Convoy. Greased the Top Masts, Top Gallant Mast, Tyes, sheets &c
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 14 Feet.09 Inches Abaft 16.00

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