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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 8-11, 1793

Remarks &c moored in Port Royal

May 1793

Wednesday 8th  First part fresh breezes and fair weather middle and latter parts moderate and cloudy. PM received a turn of water per Assistant's Launch. Arrived a Schooner with Dispatches from Barbadoes, the proper Packet being detained there. Unbent the Top Sails and Staysails. AM all hands employed fitting out the Tender. received fresh Beef and a turn of water per Launch. Sent a boat to Kingston to enter men

Thursday 9th. First and latter parts moderate breezes and fair weather middle part light airs and cloudy. PM answered the Penn signal for a Petty Officer. AM sent the Yard Schooner for a turn of water. Employed on the Tender as yesterday. received no Beef to day. Arrived H. M. Ship Proserpine with a schooner, her prize, also arrived the Tyger Privateer – Made the signal for a Kitterine

Friday 10th. First and latter parts moderate breezes and fair weather middle part calm and cloudy. received a turn of water; people employed stowing it away AM. Sailmakers, Carpenters & Seamen employed fitting the Tender for sea. At 8 made the signal for Weekly Accounts. Received fresh Beef. Sailed on a cruize H M Ship Hyana in company with her Tender. Got up the sails to air – Arrived a Schooner Prize to the Tyger Privateer.

Saturday 11th. First part fresh breezes with heavy showers of rain – middle part calm – latter part fresh breezes with haze. PM sent our Tender named the Resource to Kingston for men and guns. People employed mending their Clothes. Answered the signal from the Penn for a Petty Officer, and made the signal for a Kitterine. Made the Goelan, Advice, and Assistant's signals for the Gunner & Carpenter of each vessel to attend 2 Surveys on board the Proserpine. AM received fresh Beef – Washed below – Attended a survey on running rigging, on board the Proserpine. Entered one volunteer

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