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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 12-14, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

May 1793

Sunday 12th. First part fresh breezes and showery at times – middle part light airs and fair latter part moderate and dark cloudy weather inclinable to rain. PM anchored here from Kingston, the Tankerville Packet, and came alongside from the same place the Resource, our Tender. At daylight the Resource sailed on a cruize commanded by Lieutenant Guthrie, and armed with 6 guns, 6 swivels and 42 men from the two vessels to whom she belonged. Received fresh Beef – Cleaned below, and Mustered in Divisions

Monday 13th. First and latter parts light breezes with constant rain, middle part light airs and dark cloudy weather PM gave liberty to part of the ships company to recreate themselves on shore. AM. sailed the Tankerville, Packet, for Falmouth. Cleaned below and aired with fires – Received fresh Beef

Tuesday 14th. First and latter parts fresh gales with constant rain – middle part light airs with dark cloudy weather. Fires made in the Cockpits and betwixt decks the twenty four hours. Received only 90 pounds of fresh Beef. People occasionally employed sometimes pumping out the Prizes belonging to the Squadron, and at times re-mooring them. Employed also rowing Guard frequently, mostly turn and turn with the Assistant

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