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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook May 5-7, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

May 1793

Sunday 5th. First and middle parts fresh gales with heavy showers of rain, and lightning – latter part fresh breezes and hazy. At 1 PM furled sails, came on a heavy shower. AM sailed H. M. Sloop Fly, and Spitfire Schooner, on a cruize. Loosed sails to dry. Cleaned below and aired with fires. Mustered in Divisions, furled sails, and received 116 pounds fresh Beef

Monday 6th. First part fresh breezes and cloudy. middle part squally with thunder and lightning and very heavy rain. PM, some people on shore on leave. Arrived a schooner, prize to the Hyana – made the signal to the Penn. AM sailed H. M. Ship Europa on a cruize. received fresh Beef Cleaned below and aired with fires. Loosed and furled sails between the showers. AT 9 arrived H. M. S. Hyana with a retaken Guinea-man with 275 slaves on board and a Schooner privateer of 8 guns that had captured her; also a sloop. Made the Signal to the Penn to that purpose. Sent a party of men on board the Goelan commanded by Captain Wolley, to assist in rigging her &c. received 2 Supernumeraries from the Goelan, belonging to the Penelope

Tuesday 7th. First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy fair at times; middle part moderate and cloudy weather. AM sent a party of men on board L'Esperanza Schooner to fit her as a Tender to the Providence & Assistant. Carpenters and Sailmakers employed accordingly in the schooner. Loosed Sails to dry. Up all chests & bags and washed below. Exercised the Marines at Small Arms. received Supernumerary

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