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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 28-May 1, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

April 1793

Sunday 28th. First part moderate breezes with showers of rain, middle and latter parts light breezes and fair weather. PM people employed mending their Clothes. Entered 8 volunteers. AM,. Loosed sails to dry and received fresh Beef. Mustered in Divisions and furled Sails. Gave part of the ships company leave to go on shore

Monday 29th. First and middle parts light breezes and fair weather latter part fresh breezes and hazy. Employed as yesterday. Entered 2 volunteers and received fresh Beef. Unbent Foresail and Mainsail. Arrived a Brig, prize to the Europa, Proserpine and Fly. Sent the 2nd. Lieutenant in the Yard Launch to Salt River for mens wages. Arrived a Schooner, prize to the Tyger Privateer

Tuesday 30th. First part fresh breezes and dark cloudy weather middle pat light airs and fair weather latter part fresh breezes and hazy weather PM arrived H. M. Ship Europa from a cruize. AM Sailmakers employed finishing the Quarter Clothes &c. Carpenters and Gunners occasionally. Washed below. At 10 arrived H M Schooner Spitfire from a cruize who saluted with 13 Guns, which was returned with 11 – Arrived with the Spitfire 2 Sloops & 2 Schooners, prizes. Made ye signal to the Penn. received fresh Beef & Entered one Volunteer – Exercised Marines at Small Arms

May 1793

Wednesday 1st Light airs and fair these 24 hours. Pm arrived H. M. Sloop Fly, from a cruize; made the signal for a Kitterine for Captain Brown. Sailmakers & Gunners occasionally employed. Carpenters at the Yard. Received 132 pounds of fresh Beef – Exercised the Marines and Seamen at Small Arms

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