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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 24-27, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal.

April 1793

Wednesday 24th. Moderate breezes and fair weather these 24 hours. PM arrived H M Cutter Advice with a packet Boat Schooner with Dispatches from Port au Prince to Cape Francois. Entered 9 Volunteers,. AM, Sailmakers employed fixing waist and Quarter Clothes,m Carpenters fixing swivel Stocks &c, and Gunners making spunges &c. Received fresh Beef. Loosed sails to dry. Exercised Great Guns and small arms. Entered another man volunteer

Thursday 25th Moderate breezes and fair weather these 24 hours. PM furled sails. Made the signals for a Kitterine and a Messenger. Arrived a Schooner prize to the Spitfire – made the signal for the same. Brought from Kingston the Schooner L'Esperanza mentioned in Tuesday's Log. AM Sailmakers at the Yard. Carpenters & Gunners occasionally employed on board. received 123 pounds of fresh Beef

Friday 26th. Moderate breezes and fair this day. Sailmakers Carpenters & Gunners as yesterday – some people employed securing prizes, badly moored. Entered 1 Volunteer, and brought 4 Prisoners from the Schooner L'Esperanza. Made the signal for Weekly Accounts, and received fresh Beef

Saturday 27th. First part moderate breezes with showers of rain, middle and latter parts light airs and fair weather. AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard – Carpenters and Gunners occasionally. People mending the Quarter Deck Netting. Entered 3 Volunteers. Washed below, and loosed sails to dry. Exercised the Marines at Small Arms. received 150 pounds of fresh Beef. Sent the small Cutter with the 2nd. Lieutenant to Kingston to enter men – Furled Sails

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