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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 2-3, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

April 1793

Tuesday 2nd. First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy. Middle part Ditto with calms at times. At 4 PM. The Assistant slipped after a Brig which had left this place and had caused some suspicion. Sent the Assistant 10 men and a Petty Officer in lieu of her men employed transporting prizes, and were not immediately on the spot – Unmoored ship, weighed the small Bower and hove in to half a cable on the best Bower – At 9 PM. fired the Evening Gun & hoisted the Broad Pendant, the Europa being ready for sea. Weighed the Hyana's stream anchor, she had slipped before sailing. AM sailed on a cruize H. M. Ship Europa, Captain Gregory, who saluted the flag with 13 Guns which was answered with eleven. Weighed the best Bower and warped further to the Southward. Moored ship ESE & WNW, in 10 fathoms water, muddy bottom – ½ a cable each way. Gallows point bearing NE¾N, ½ a mile. Port Royal point SbW½W ½ a mile. – received 150 pounds of fresh Beef. Victualled 10 men left behind from the Assistant. received as supernumerary 1 man belonging to the Europa.

Saturday [Wednesday] 3rd. First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy, middle part light airs and calms. PM employed clearing the Decks washing and cleaning the ship. AM Sailmakers at the Yard. received 150 pounds of fresh Beef. At 10 the Assistant returned from sea, and brought in with her ye Brig which had sailed hence under Danish Colours. Boats sent with hawsers & small Anchor to assist the Assistant if necessary. Served Slops. Discharged the Assistant's men and received our own back, with three Prisoners of war

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