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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 4-7, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

April 1793

Sunday [Thursday] 4th. First & latter parts fresh breezes and fair, middle light airs and fair – Secured the prize Brig at moorings. AM Sailmakers a the Yard. Made the Advice's signal for a Petty Officer. received fresh Beef, and a turn of water per Launch. Examined the Danish Brig for false papers &c. Made the signal to the Penn for a Kitterine. At 11 sailed H. M. Sloop Serpent on a cruize. received on board 9 men from the Assistant, late belonging to the Brig detained, and a marine from the Serpent belonging to the Proserpine

Monday [Friday] 5th. Moderate and fair weather Employed stowing away the water. At 5 AM sent the Launch and small Cutter to assist H. M. Sloop Fly, sailing on a cruize. Sent on board of her one Volunteer. received 148 pounds of fresh Beef. At 11 made the signal for a Kitterine. Sailmakers employed at the Yard as usual. Carpenters painting the Pinnace. People washing their Clothes.

Tuesday [Saturday] 6th. Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours. AM sailmakers and Carpenters employed at the Yard. received 152 pounds of fresh Beef. Up all Chests and Bags and washed below. People employed washing and mending their Clothes. Entered 5 Supernumeries

Wednesday [Sunday] 7th. First and latter parts moderate breezes and cloudy weather middle part light airs and fair. AM received 152 pounds of fresh Beef. At 8 cleaned below and mustered in Divisions

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