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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Mar 30-Apr 1, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

March 1793

Saturday 30th. First part fresh breezes and hazy, middle part light airs and fair weather latter part fresh breezes and hazy with showers at times – PM arrived here the Duke of Cumberland Packet. received on board sails from the Yard and 183 pots of Plants from Kingston. AM Sailmakers daily at the Yard. Answered the Signal for All Lieutenants[*]. received an order to stop all French vessels and were informed of the war which subsisted between Great Britain and the French Nation. People employed bending sails. Washed below and aired with fires. Received 107 pounds of fresh Beef, and 18 bags of Bread
  [* The signal "for all lieutenants" is a request for all ships to report their state and condition.]

Sunday 31st. First part fresh breezes with squalls of rain. middle part moderate breezes and fair, latter part fresh breezes with haze. PM sent the small Cutter manned and armed and took possession of a french Sloop. AM. Loosed sails to dry. Cleaned below. received fresh Beef. At 11 furled sails. The Penelope & Proserpine shifted their berths to be ready for sailing. Eight small vessels were seized at Kingston by the boats of the Squadron, as french property, but during the night they had all been unladen from too much delay on our part.

April 1793

Monday 1st. First and latter parts fresh breezes and fair weather with haze, middle part light breezes. AM sailmakers employed at the Yard. Sailed on a cruize His Majesty's Ships Penelope, Proserpine, and Hyana. Received on board from the Europa, twelve french Prisoners taken on board the vessels captured at Kingston. Boats and people employed securing the prizes, in shore of the shipping at this Harbour. received and served 107 pounds of fresh Beef

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