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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 14, 1793

Remarks &c 14th February 1793

 1 pm: Light breezes and fine weather weighed the Stream and let go the Best Bower in 9 fathom water, Port Royal point S10°E Gallows point N58°E. Twelve Apostles S80°W – Sent 37 pots of Plants on shore per Launch. received 257 pounds of fresh Beef – Up Top Gallant Yards and cleared for sea.

 6 pm: At 6 veered to ⅓ of a Cable. –
Sent on board the Assistant for Savanna La Mar Breadfruit Plants 83 Variety 26
Ships Draught of water Foreward 15 Feet.3 Inches Abaft 15.3

 4 am: At 4 light breezes and fine clear weather

 5 am: At 5 weighed and made all sail. Came out through the South Channel, the Assistant in company. At 6 the Assistant stood to the westward and cheered us, which we returned – At 7 in starboard steering sails and hauled to the southward. Southern part of the South Sea N75E 1½ miles, Port Royal N½W 7 or 8 miles. Portland NWbW

 8 am: At 8 Port Royal N15°W 9 or 10 miles, Yelhas point N81°E 5 or 6 leagues. Lowered & repaired the Main Top Sail and set it again.

10 am: At 10 Hour.30 Minutes a light breeze sprung up, in steering sails – served fresh Beef

12 noon: At Noon li9ght breezes and fair weather Port Royal N55°W, 11 or 12 miles. Rock Fort N5W 6 or 7 miles. Yelhas point N82°E. Portland SWbW

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