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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 10-13, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal.

Sunday 10th February Light breezes and fine weather all these 24 hours.\ heavy dew all night – PM received a Launch load of water from Rock Fort. Furled sails – AM cleaned below. received 110 pounds of fresh Beef and served it to the ships company

Monday 11th Light breezes and fair weather AM received fresh Beef. Employed trimming the ship. – Shifted the ship's company's Hammocks and aired their Bedding At 5 sent Plants on shore per Assistants Launch. Sailmakers about the after awning. Served fresh Beef.
Plants sent – Bread fruit 75
 ——  – Variety 43

Tuesday 12th First part light breezes and fair weather – Middle part Calm. Latter part moderate and fine weather – PM sent Bread fruit plants 84 and various other plants 44, on shore to Kingston. At 5 AM sent 185 pots of various plants on whore, per Assistants Launch. received and served fresh Beef. Washed below and aired the ship – Sailmakers employed on the After Awning. Scrubbed the Hammock Cloths.

Wednesday 13th First part moderate breezes and fair weather with a light shower of rain – middle and latter part light breezes – At 4 anchored here H. M. Ship Proserpine, Captain Alms. Sent various kinds of Plants on shore, viz. 6 tubs, 130 pots, & 2 boxes; also 79 empty pots. received 54 pounds of fresh beef. Cleaned below – At 10 Hour:30 Minutes, a Pilot came on board and took charge of the ship – weighed the best Bower and hove short on the Stream. Employed clearing for sea

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