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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 16, 1792

Remarks &c from Timor to St. Helena 16th December 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine weather with haze.

 2 pm: People employed washing and mending their clothes

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps

 8 pm: Cloudy, many Porpoises about the ship

12 mid: In royals.

 4 am: Scrubbed the 1st & 2nd Divisions, and Idlers Bags. Saw flying fish. Set ye Royals

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast Shifted the ship's company's Hammocks. Clean swept and aired below with fires

10 am: Mustered in Divisions and performed Divine Service

12 noon: Moderate breezes and cloudy – the Assistant in company. Broached a puncheon of Spruce beer
   No Observation

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