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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Dec 17, 1792

Remarks &c Monday 17th December 1792

 1 pm: Light breezes and cloudy weather saw many [?] Nautili

 5 pm: At ¾ past 5 saw St. Helena bearing W½S – made the signal accordingly – worked the pumps.

 8 pm: Light airs.

10 pm: Light breezes and cloudy, in steering sails and Top Gallant sails, anmd up Courses.

12 mid: In 1st reef Main & Mizen and 2nd of the Fore Top sail. ¼ past 1 the island in sight; hove to, the ships head to the southward.

 5 am: At day light St. Helena West 3 or 4 leagues. ½ past 5 wore ship; out boatsd and unstowed the anchors nmd overhauled a range of the Cables. Sent the 2nd. Lieutenant to the Governor to inform him of the arrival of H.M. Ships – at ¾ past 6 bore away. Served customary breakfast.

 8 am: At 8 Extremes of the Island from S24°W to West. High Mountain S60°W, off shore 4 or 5 miles.

 9 am: At 9 Hour.30′ abreast of the first Battery. In 2 reef Main Top sail. The Fort saluted with 15 Guns which we returned with an equal number.

10 am: At 10.15 anchored with the Best Bower in 13 fathoms water and veered away to ½ a Cable. Furled sails – Found lying here an English Whaler and a French ship. Anchor bearings, NW point S64°W 3 or 4 miles, St James's Church and Flag staff in one S6°W ¾ of a mile. Ladder Hill S16°W. Sugar loaf point N69E 1 and ½ or 2 miles distance

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