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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 11, 1792

Remarks from Timor towards St. Helena 11th October 1792

 1 pm: Light breezes and fine weather with some haze. At 12 Hour.30 Minutes a small sandy Island bore SbE distant 3 or 4 leagues. At 1 saw the Island of Rottee from the Mast head about SSW. ½ past saw the High mountain on it bearing South

 4 pm: At 4 Rottee S½E 7 or 8 leagues and the small Island west of Samow S44E 3 or 4 leagues. Extremes of Pulo Samow from S50E 4 leagues to EbN 5 or 6 leagues

 6 pm: At sunset westermost land of Rottee seen from the Masthead South 7 or 8 leagues – In 1st reefs and worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: At 8 light airs and Clam [Calm]; lightning in the SW

12 mid: Fresh breezes and fair weather

 4 am: At daybreak saw the Island of Savu, bearing SWbW

 5 am: At 5.50 Extremes of Savu from S30W to S61W off shore 3 leagues – made all sail

 8 am: Moderate breezes and fair weather Extremes of Savu from S11°E to S45°W off shore 3 leagues – Up all Chests and Bags, and washed the Deck & Beams with [] which destroyed many Cockroaches – At 10.30 saw an Island bearing SWbS. Aired ship with fires, and served fresh Beef.

12 noon: At Noon moderate breezes and fair weather – Extremes of Savu from S67°E to S2°E off shore 6 or 7 miles – The Island to the westward of it from S14°W to S23°W distant 3 or 4 leagues – Assistant leading
   Latitude Observed 10°:19′:26″ South

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