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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 10, 1792

Remarks &c towards St. Helena 10th October 92

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fine weather employed clearing whip for sea. received a turn or water per Launch and hoisted her in

 4 pm: Came on board a Pilot and took Charge of the ship – received 2 Buffaloes per Assistants Launch

 8 pm: Light Airs

12 mid: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 3 am: Hove short, weighed the Kedge, and got up Top Gallant Yards

 5 am: At 5 Hour.30′ weighed under single reef Top Sails. Saluted the Fort with 13 Guns which was returned by an equal number. At 6 Hour.30′ NE part of Coepang Bay and Pulo Karee in one, bearing N13°E – No soundings with 30 fathoms of line when Pulo Karee bore N22°E, 1½ miles distant.

 8 am: At 8 moderate and fine weather Timor from N34°E 6 leagues to SbE½E on with Pulo Samow – West end of Samow S55°W 6 miles. Pulo Karee S81°E 5 miles. Coepang town SE 6 or 7 miles – At 8 Hour:40′ hove to and returned the Assistants Launch. Discharged the Pilot; and received the 5 men lent to the Brig in Providence Streights

 9 am: At 9 Hour.10′ in boats and bore up – Made sail. Served Fresh Beef and supplyed the Assistant with 60 pounds by towing it astern for her. Moderate and fine weather Extremes of Pulo Samow from S6E 4 or 5 leagues, to S85°E 3 leagues
   Latitude Observed 10°·05′·55″ South

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