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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 9, 1792

Remarks &c at Coepang, Timor

Tuesday 9th. First part moderate breezes and fair; middle part light airs and fair; and latter part as the first. PM some employed stretching new rope for the gammoning and others in the After Hold and Spirit room. Gammoned the Bowsprit, the Launch hanging at the end in the tackles, and stayed the Fore Mast. received 92 Pots with Plants by ye Assistants Launch. Cleared a Hoy of water and worked the Pumps as usual At 2 AM. sent ye Launch to tow a Hoy on board with water. At 4 AM. Unmoored ship and hove in to ½ a Cable on the Small Bower run at a Kedge to steady the ship. Set up the Bobstay and Fore stay again, also the Top Mast and Top Gallant rigging. Cleared the Hoy of water and otherwise employed preparing for sea. Cleaned below, served fresh Beef and Greens, and supplyed the Assistant with 32 Gallons of Arrack.
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 15 Feet: 4 Inches Abaft 16: 2½
Latitude Observed 10°:09′:07″ South
Left most of the wood which was cut by the Party on shore, behind – 6 Barrachioes were stolen before centinels were sent from the ship, as a Guard to the casks left on the river, to soak