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Revised 2010-07-18

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 7-8, 1792

His Majesty's Ship Providence laying in Coepang Bay, Timor

Remarks &c

October 1791

Sunday 7th. Fresh breezes and fair with squalls at times. received a small quantity of wood per Assistant's Launch. People employed wooding, watering, in the Holds, and about the rigging. Two small sloop rigged crafts employed to water the ship – Middle part Calm and fine clear weather; Latter part fresh Gales and fair. At 2 AM sent the Launch and Whale boat to the Craft into the river the tide serving for that purpose. At 5 AM. sent the Parties to wood & water as usual. Up all Chests and Bags and washed below. reeived wood by two country Vessels from Pulo Samow, and water by two Schoots employed before. Seamen about the rigging and in the Holds, also cleaning the Craft. Received Arrack and some Rice for Sea store, and Fresh Beef for present use. Supplyed the Assistant with 36 pounds.
   Latitude Observed 10°·09′·18″ South

Monday 8th.  First part fresh breezes and fair, some times light breezes; Middle part Calm; latter moderate breezes and fair weather – The quantity of Arrack received 3 Puncheons 1 Barrel – of Rice 2 Barrels per Launch. Wood & water per Schoots. AM. sent the wooders and waterers on shore – Employed in the Holds received water, Fresh Beef & Greens. Found the gammoning of the Bowsprit cut through by ye Edges of the stone in the Cutwater. Set up the Main rigging. The Parties returned on board. Supplyed the Brig with 74 pounds of Fresh Beef

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