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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 3-4, 1792

His Majesty's Ship Providence laying in Coepang Bay, Timor.

Remarks &c

October 1792

Wednesday 3rd First part fresh breezes and fair weather Midle part light airs and fair weather. Latter part moderate breezes and fair weather. Out Pinnace. Our Commander went on shore and was Saluted by the Fort with 15 Guns. Employed starting the water and sending on shore Empty Casks. Sent a party under the command of a Lieutenant to attend filling the water. Got a Craft to expedite the work. AM down Top Gallant Yards – Employed in the Hold as before starting salt water &c AM up Top Gallant Yards. received Fresh Beef and supplyed the Assistant with 73 pounds – Casks sent on shore 112 Puncheons 25 Hogsheads 10 Barrels.

Thursday 4th First part moderate breezes and fair weather Middle light airs and cloudy, latter fresh breeze and fine weather PM. The water party sent on shore, Employed in the Hold, repairing the rigging and sending on shore empty Casks – Cooper repairing Casks worm eaten at Otaheite Confined George Thompson seaman for Insolence and Neglect of Duty. AM sent a Party of wooders on shore: Malays bringing the Billets to the shore from the country. Got ye anchor of 1200 pounds purchased at the Cape, out of the Main Hold, and stowed away the broken Sheet anchor Sent the Armourer on shore to make Hoops for an anchor stock. Sent the Launch with 100 Garden Pots on shore and men to carry them up the town. Two small craft sent to Pulo Samow for wood, very little to be procured at Coepang. Employed about the rigging, in the Hold, wooding, watering &&c.

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