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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 2, 1792

Remarks &c near Timor 2nd. October 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gale and squally weather in 3rd reef Top Sails – Baffling winds with light airs and squalls. Fired a gun and made ye Signal for a Pilot – At 1 Hour.10 Minutes Tacked Ship ship. Saw a Snow at anchor open with the SW point of Coepang Bay, with Dutch colours flying – repeated the Signal with another Gun – at 4 brought up with the Best Bower in 22 fathoms coral sand. SW point Coepang Bay N65°E about 2½ miles distant. NE point of Pulo Samow N15°E about ¾ miles. Extremes of Pulo Samow N31°E to N29°E distant 4 miles. Point on ye East side of the Passage S22dgW 2½ miles. Ditto on ye West side S35°·30′W about 10 miles

 5 pm: At 5 Hour.30 Minutes sent Lieutenant Guthrie in the whale boat to Coepang. At 11 he returned accompanied by the Captain of the Snow belonging to the Dutch East India Company which had been in the Bay 5 Months, fron Batavia. From Captain Boberg we received the melancholy news of the loss of the Pandora in Providence Streights, and of the safety and arrival at Timor of Captain Edwards with most of his crew and Prisoners of the Bounty. We also were acquainted of the miraculous escape to Coepang of the Boat and persons who deserted the New Colony at Port Jackson bringing the Governors Boat as their Vehicle – these, as well as the Pandoras & Bounty's people were gone for Batavia and England under the inspection of Captain Edwards

 4 am: At 4 light airs inclinable to calm ½ past sent for the Assistants Launch to run out a Kedge anchor, the Bower having started from [?] too short to keep clear anchor.

 9 am: At 9 hour.40 Minutes weighed and made sail, with a light breeze. Sent the Boats a head to tow; the Dutch Captain acting as Pilot – Moderate breezes – Light airs off the NE point of Pulo Samow from ¼ to ½ mile distance

11 am: At 11 Hour.30 Minutes brought up with the small Bower in 16½ fathoms soft ground. Veered away and moored whip SE & NW the Best Bower to the SE in 9 fathoms – The Fort saluted us with 15 Guns which was returned by an equal number – off shore ⅓ of a mile

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